Hammond SK PRO 73 Stage Keyboard/Organ

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  • Levertijd : Direct Leverbaar!
  • Leverings kosten : Dit product wordt gratis bezorgd
  • Garantie termijn : 36 maanden
  • Staat in de Showroom? : Ja

Hammond SK PRO 73 Stage Keyboard/Organ


• PIANO SECTION with a wide variety of keyboard instruments, including high-resolution Grand and Electric Piano sounds.
• ENSEMBLE SECTION with essential Brass, Reed, String, Choir and Percussion instruments.
• DIRECT POWER CONNECTION (no external Power-adapter).
• MULTIPLE ASSIGNABLE OUTPUTS, with discrete Organ and Bass outputs.
• ON-BOARD BULK STORAGE for all programming.
• USB TYPE "A" and "B" PORTS for USB MIDI and MASS STORAGE functions.
• SEAMLESS SWITCHING of PIANO / ENSEMBLE tones while playing.
• PATCHES, COMBINATIONS and CENTRALLY LOCATED FAVORITE/ALLOCATE buttons for quick and easy access to performance needs.

Normale prijs: € 2.895,00

Dera prijs : € 2.380,00

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The SK PRO incorporates the state-of-the-art "Modelled Tone Wheel 1" (MTW1) sound engine pioneered by the Hammond XK-5 Organ, recognized everywhere as the standard in digital "tone wheel" sound.

• The newly developed Virtual Multi-Contact system replicates the keyboard performance of a vintage Hammond Organ, allowing the player to experience the distinctive Hammond "feel" in every detail. For even greater versatility, our optional Hammond MIDI Pedalboards such as XPK-130G, XPK-200G or XPK-200GL can trigger this Virtual Multi-Contact system for the pedal sound.

• A built-in new-generation Digital Leslie brings deeper authenticity, including the airflow of Leslie rotors , faithfully reproducing the Leslie's unique tone and three-dimensional effect.

• A new tube modeling system provides the essential Hammond "tube-warmth".

• A special system emulating the Matching Transformer of a vintage Hammond Organ adds striking authenticity to the Hammond Drawbar tones.

• In addition to the great Drawbar sounds, the SK PRO also models the Italian, British and Japanese transistorized Combo Organs which have come back into style in today's music.

• The player can also call upon a full range of Classical Pipe Organ Voices, and for the first time in any modern keyboard a range of Theatre Pipe Organ Voices is now included.


The SK PRO incorporates a brand-new physical-modelling Synthesizer faithfully reproducing the sounds of classic analog synthesizers.
• Six (6) different Oscillator configurations are provided, as well as controls for Filter and Amplitude allowing the player to create sounds in real-time just as on a classic analog synth.


All Piano / Ensemble voices can be FULLY EDITED. Sample choice, EG, Filter, LFO and other parameters are now in your control and can be saved as a Patch.

• The SK PRO contains high-quality samples of the world's leading Grand Piano sounds, including a brand-new sample of a legendary Concert Grand Piano.

• High-definition digital voices (upgraded in resolution from previous SK models) provide a wide variety of tonal possibilities, many of them new to the SK-series . All Voices have been carefully chosen for real-world musical performance usefulness.

• 12 Category Buttons allow easy and instant tone selection.

• Hammond's exclusive ProChord feature permits the player to re produce complex harmonies by playing a single-note melody with the right hand and chords with the left hand.


The panel of the SK PRO is an eye-catching "British Racing Green" color......that will blend in any environment.


The basic voice unit of the SK PRO is a "Patch", which stores the source sound or sounds and all programming for each sound.

There are Factory and User Patches available......100 of each for the ORGAN and MONO SYNTH Sections and 300 Factory / 400 User for the PIANO and ENSEMBLE Sections.


The SK PRO introduces Combinations, combining sounds ("Patches") from any or all of the four tonal sections, along with the desired performance parameters required for those sounds.

• Combinations "set the scene" for each performance, and may be changed in an instant.

• You can even assign external MIDI instruments to these Combinations.

• In conjunction with the 4 ALLOCATION buttons located in the center of the keyboard, the player can call up any part of a Combination in real-time, giving the equivalent of FOUR (4) discrete key boards.

• 200 Combinations are available (100 Factory and 100 User). Any ten (10) of these may be assigned to the F AVORITES buttons (as on previous SK instruments) for instant access. The role of the Favorites has been expanded to include Ten (10) Banks with 10 Favorites each are available, making a total of 100 Favorites easily and quickly called up.


Each of the 4 Voice Sections can receive Overdrive and 2 types of comprehensive DSP Multi-Effects.
• All of the DSP Effects listed below can be saved as part of a Patch:
Overdrive: Tube, Solid, Clip, EP Amp.
Multi-effect 1: Tremolo, Wah-Wah, Ring Modulator, Compressor
Multi-effect 2: Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, Delay, Auto Pan


The SK PRO incorporates Pitch Bend and Modulation Wheels, giving the player the ability to add full expressiveness to the music.
• Each Voice Section has an individual Volume Control allowing the different Sections to be balanced against each other in real time.
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Technische Informatie 73 Keys
Sku HammondSKPRO73
Instrument is: Nieuw
Bezorgkosten Dit product wordt gratis bezorgd
Bezorgtijd Direct Leverbaar!
Garantie 36 maanden
Staat in showroom Ja
Merk Hammond
Maandaanbieding Nee
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